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<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><strong>Press Information> Presse-Information</strong></h2>
<h2 style=”text-align: center;”><strong> Dossier Presse > Communicato Stampa >新闻稿</strong></h2>
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<h6>HAMBURG AUGUST 2010</h6>
<h4><strong>CTA ONE OF THE BEST TERMINALS</strong></h4>
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<h6>HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA) has been certificated under the Container Terminal Quality Indicator standard (CTQS) for the third time running. That makes CTA one of the best terminals.</h6>
During this year’s recertification of HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder (CTA), the world’s most state-of-the-art terminal again stood out for superb performance, meeting the Container Terminal Quality Indicator (CTQI) standard for the third time running. The CTQI standard has been developed since 2007, the prime movers being the Global Institute of Logistics and Germanischer Lloyd. This internationally valid quality seal requires optimal operational processes and unified methods for the evaluation of performance. In the course of a three-day audit, Germanischer Lloyd experts monitored all the processes running at CTA. The certification procedure consists of 80 standardized Indicators that were tested and evaluated at CTA. Among these are quality indices for waterside and hinterland handling, as well as reliability in adhering to agreed handling periods for ocean-going ships, feeders, trains and truck and checking of internal company processes.
<img class=”wp-image-11122 size-full” src=”https://globeinst.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/gil_ctqi_cta_pres_10_589.jpg” alt=”” width=”589″ height=”319″ /> <b>BERNHARD STÄNDER GERMANISCHER LLOYD, PRESENTED THE CTQS STANDARD CERTIFICATE TO OLIVER DUX, <br /> MANAGING DIRECTOR OF CTA, FOR THE THIRD TIME THE CERTIFICATE WILL BE VALID FOR ONE YEAR. </b>
Known as key performance indicators, these have to be applied at every terminal in the world. They permit assessment of the quality of container terminals, providing the basis for international comparison.
<blockquote>“It is especially high-potential and reliable performance in handling that makes the case for CTA so convincing. That is how we achieve an above-average benchmark figure under the CTQI standard. In addition, we have improved on last year in terms of productivity and the reliability of ship and truck clearance.“
<h6 style=”text-align: right;”>Oliver Dux, Managing Director of HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder:</h6>
<blockquote> “With the successful renewal of CTQ certification, HHLA is already proving the container terminal’s high standard of quality and performance for a third time.”
<h6 style=”text-align: right;”>Bernhard Ständer Germanischer Lloyd:</h6>
Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA) focuses on optimising processes and modern technology at its three container terminals in the Port of Hamburg – Altenwerder, Burchardkai and Tollerort – to further boost its handling efficiency. For instance, the container transport vehicles at CTT can carry two 20-foot containers at the same time and the tandem gantry cranes at Burchardkai can discharge four 20-foot containers from a ship in a single movement. In 2008, the HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder became the first terminal in the world to be awarded the CTQI certificate. It has also been audited annually by experts from DNV GL since then. HHLA is currently working to speed up truck handling at all its terminals with its “Fuhre 2.0” project.
<a href=”https://globeinst.org/best-in-class-home/hhla-hamburg/”>To Read an in-depth report on CTQS at HHLA Click Here</a>