Those elected to membership in to the Hall of Fame represent the highest achievement in their field, serving as models of what can be achieved and how. Each year the Institute invites the Executive Directors of its various councils and chapters globally to nominate individuals for induction into the Institute’s Hall of Fame. These nominations feed discussions about what constitutes excellence and success in individual logisticians. The goal is to improve global logistics practices by identifying the outstanding logistician in the field over the course of a lifetime.
“I am honored to receive this recognition from the Global Institute of Logistics. I would like to encourage people to work with GIL if they want to make a difference in the industry. The Institute doesn’t promote logos they only promote learning and that is highly commendable. Looking back over my career, I am very pleased with the role I’ve played in helping to advance the disciplines of logistics and supply chain management . Along the way, I have developed and maintained many friends in the profession around the world. “Supply chain excellence is a journey and one I plan to continue exploring, discovering, creating, and assisting.” Gene Tyndall
Kieran Ring, Chief Executive Officer of the Institute, presented Gene Tyndall with the Claret Jug, a beautiful piece from Waterford Crystal, in honor of his remarkable contributions to the industry. Many of Gene’s friends and colleagues attended the event to congratulate him on his achievement. Throughout the course of the evening guests spoke of why they felt he was chosen for such an honour and how thatdespite Gene’s obvious success, he had always remained humble.Gene’s ability to make the people around him feel comfortable in order to get the job done was especially lauded on the night.
Speaking at the induction Mr Ring said:
“I am delighted to announce the induction of Gene to the Institute’s Hall of Fame; he is a worthy successor to Bob Delaney who was our inaugural recipient and founder of the Institute.
There was absolutely unanimous support for Gene’s nomination; no matter who we spoke with across the length and breadth of the planet each person in their turn gave their unequivocal support.
In honoring Gene the industry is saying thank you for your tireless efforts to promote the science of supply chain and to instill in all who join the profession that supply chain is essentially all about people, passion and relationships.
To Read an in-depth report on Gene Tyndall’s Achievements and for further Coverage on the Induction Ceremony Click HERE