Paul Goldsbrough was appointed founding Chairman of the Global Institute of Logistics China Chapter in 2005. Paul is president for business development in Asia for logistics service provider Hellmann Worldwide. He is responsible for developing business relationships and end-to-end supply chain solutions with major organisations sourcing out of Asia.

“I am honoured to have served as the founding Chairman of the China Chapter and am particularly proud of our role in the development of the CTQS standard; its existence is testament to the power of cooperation amongst all stakeholders in global maritime logistics and proves what can be achieved when we as an industry simply talk.
I would like to congratulate Dr. FU on his appointment as my successor to the Chair. It gives me enormous satisfaction to see the role pass to Dr. Fu, his reputation and deep working knowledge of the Chinese maritime logistics sector will bring the work of the Global Institute of Logistics to a new and much larger audience. I am very encouraged by his vision for the China Chapter and am confident that under his direction, it will establish itself as one of the preeminent voices in Chinese maritime logistics”
Mr. Goldsbrough spent 10 years in the international and domestic express parcels business with United Parcels, followed by 12 years with the Inter Forward Group as group sales and marketing director, where he built a third-party logistics business across 14 European countries and a global freight-forwarding network.He moved to Hellmann Worldwide in 1999, first becoming UK managing director, and moving to Hong Kong to take up his present position in 2003.


Hellmann Worldwide Logistics was founded by Carl Heinrich Hellmann, using a horse-drawn cart to deliver parcels in and around the town of Osnabrueck, northern Germany, in 1871. Four generations later, Carl’s great-grandchildren, Jost and Klaus, own and run the company with an active network in 157 countries.

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Today Hellmann operate a truly global organization while remembering their humble beginnings: Hellmann continue to value every customer and understand that each project requires a unique solution. This powerful combination of an individual approach within an international framework ensures that Hellmann deliver top-quality customized logistics solutions, every time. Hellmann constantly strive to develop better, more efficient ways to do business, whether it is by implementing cutting-edge technology, increasing the number of services we provide, or expanding our network of branches and warehouses. This dynamic mind-set is reflected in our motto “Thinking Ahead, Moving Forward” and demonstrates a tradition of innovation which is intrinsic to every part of the Hellmann company.
Click here to visit the Hellmann Worldwide Logistics website

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Following a review of operating standards within global logistics service provision, the Global Institute of Logistics has named Hellmann Worldwide Logistics as the worlds “Best in Class” logistics service provider. The main reason for the accreditation was Hellmann’s commitment to building relationships with customers, partners and employees throughout the world.

The announcement follows a rigorous programme of study undertaken by the Institute’s research department following on from an in-depth analysis of logistics services providers with a view to identifying the organization, which would illustrate the Institute’s classification of a ‘best in class’ provider.
Within this parameter the pre-eminent criteria for the accreditation of leading global LSP, was that the organization identified, short-listed and subsequently honoured with the accolade, would demonstrate an exceptional level of regard for the role and function of relationship excellence in the development of their business.
In keeping with the Institute’s published thinking, the measurement of the ‘Relationship Orientation’ quotient leveraged was the most important criterion in the final adjudication of the quality of logistics service provided.

“”We are very pleased to receive Best in Class Global Logistics Service Provider accreditation from a well known and reputable institution (the Global Institute of Logistics). We are exceptionally proud since the most important criteria used in the selection was ‘Relationship Orientation’ and as you all know, we are in the business of relationships! The success of the Hellmann Network has been, and will continue to be, based on successful relationships; amongst our people and partners, and above all, with our customers. The two wild geese in our logo illustrate our strong belief in building long-term partnerships. Communication and relationship are certainly the most important ingredients in achieving this. At Hellmann, we strive to understand our customers’ needs and we aim to grow through our customers’ growth” JOST HELLMANN PRESIDENT HELLMANN WORLDWIDE LOGISTICS

Kieran Ring CEO at the Institute, speaking at the formal presentation of the accreditation to Klaus and Jost Hellmann at the worldwide meeting of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in Singapore, said:
“I am delighted to announce Hellmann Worldwide Logistics (HWL) as as the recipient of our  Best in Class Global Logistics Service Provider accreditation. It is our considered opinion that HWL are the finest example of a relationship driven global logistics service provider and evidently meet with the specific criteria set down by our research department. Our research  concluded that for HWL relationships are key to every aspect of their work, as a family owned and operated business Hellmann has survived and prospered for four generations since its foundation in Osnabrueck in Germany in 1871, by putting the customer first and placing integrity and trust at the heart of every single relationship both within and outside the organization”

And Mr Klaus Hellmann added:
“This Award recognizes what all our colleagues do so well. It would not be possible to achieve our goals and this sort of recognition without our people all around the world. Entrepreneurial spirit, open and honest communication both internally and externally is what makes us successful and we are very proud that this is being recognized in today’s competitive market. Thank you!”
To Read an in-depth report on Hellmanns accreditation Click HERE
