After completing his studies in computer science and the supplementary subject of economics at the University of Hamburg, Jens Meier started his professional career at Software Design & Management AG (Ernst & Young group).

As a member of the management board, he was in charge of the Hamburg and Hanover branch offices from 1997 onwards. His customers included HHLA, the VW group, Hypovereinsbank, Münchener Rück, Start Amadeus and the Otto group.
In 2000, he was appointed the divisional manager of Systematics AG. His responsibilities included consulting and software development. From July ’02 onwards, Jens Meier was CEO of TTS Holding where he was in charge of IT, finances and international logistics. Upon the sale of the TTS group to Fiege in 2006, he was appointed to the board of Fiege Holding Stiftung & Co. KG, Greven.
Since April 1st, 2008 Jens Meier has been serving as CEO of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA).

Any­one who stands still for too long has al­ready lost” – it’s im­pos­si­ble to ac­cu­rately pre­dict the fu­ture. My aim is to shape this – to­gether with our col­leagues – so that at least we’re well pre­pared for it, in or­der to re­main suc­cess­ful in the decades ahead.

Mr. Meier is a founding member of the Hamburger Informatik Forums. The association promotes the co-operation between the University of Hamburg and business. He is a member of the alumni of the Young Business People at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and senator of the Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade where he represents the logistics industry. Furthermore, in 2006 the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg appointed him to the board of trustees of the Logistics Initiative Hamburg. Jens Meier was born in Hamburg. He is married with 3 children.


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