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The Role of the Freight Forwarder Has Becomes More Important in
Managing the Supply Chain and Ensuring End-to-End Visibility
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Best in Class : The highest current performance level in independent freight forwarding, used as a standard or benchmark to be equaled or exceeded.


The Institute has begun identifying qualifying independent freight forwarders to join its benchmarking group, G50, on best practice and business development in the sector. The benchmarking group is being formed as a result of a clear recommendation arising from the Institute’s research program on the role of the independent in global logistics, which has been ongoing since March 2016. Participants qualify by first being accredited ‘Best in Class’ by the Institute.
Best in Class accreditation denotes the highest current performance level in independent freight forwarding, used as a standard or benchmark to be equaled or exceeded. Members of the G50 represent separate and distinct territories and disciplines to ensure the highest levels of interaction and collaboration.
The G50 will commit to the adoption of best practice and by working together will accelerate the adoption of uniform standards and practices particularly in the area of IT. The aim of the group is to help organize complex processes in an efficient and effective way and in so doing identify the best ways to capture value for beneficial cargo owners. Widespread adoption of best practice will ultimately reduce costs and improve the global supply chain. G50 participants will also share with, learn from and benchmark with other members their respective experiences in Business Development strategy. Global account acquisition and participation in cross-border e-commerce will inform the working agenda.
The group will oversee the publication of a first ever guide to independent freight forwarding which will give beneficial cargo owners an insight into the growing role of the sector in global logistics. The guide which will be available online and in book form will include case studies and profiles on the members of the G50.

G50 is an important addition to the Institute’s benchmarking work. Global container terminal operators and port authorities already convene within the Institute and have contributed significantly to the development of their respective sectors.
The G50 will commit to the adoption of best practice and by working together will accelerate the adoption of uniform standards and practices particularly in the area of IT.

While benchmarking groups convene in the first instance to share best practice amongst themselves the groups also collaborate with each other to build greater mutual understanding which in turn leads to joined up thinking across the supply chain.
The first 5 members of the G50 have been successfully accredited with Best in Class, they are Quick Cargo Service representing Germany, AIT Worldwide Logistics representing the USA, PGL representing Brazil, Tri-Ad International and Aramex representing Canada.
Members of the G50 will be announced throughout 2017/18. The first meeting of the group is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 in Long Beach California. The meeting is scheduled to coincide with the annual Trans-Pacific Maritime (TPM) conference which brings together over 3000 logistics professionals from across the world.